About Me!
My faith, love, trauma, and education are just a few of the things that have shaped me into the person I am today. My lack of coaching in my life has made me appreciate life coaching even more. As a life coach, I will be a part of your team. A team is a GOOD thing, and it can include you and one or more other individuals. I would like to ask you a few questions:
Who is on your team?
When you're happy, sad, or down, who do you call? Who has your back? And who should be KICKED OFF YOUR TEAM because they are harmful to your spirit, body, and mind?
If you do not use my services, that is OK; nonetheless, I would like you to consider these questions and create a list.
One more thing: What is the most valuable asset you have?
Answer: YOU!
In order to live your best life, you must take care of your mind, body, and spirit. You will feel off balance if you do not. Please find ways to care for yourself! I hope you can maintain a healthy balance in your life.
Stay well and safe!