What exactly is the difference between counseling and coaching?
Life coaches work with clients to design a new course in life in order to attain certain goals. Counselors, on the other hand, focus on specific difficulties at hand and dig into emotional resolutions to past problems in order to move forward, finding answers to those specific problems. Using life coaching in combination with counseling is an excellent method to begin your healing path.
My method is GOALS+RESULTS! I will begin working with you to determine
your goal, behavior barriers, realistic pathways and timeline to get the results you need.
Are you ready? I am!
Take a chance and let's do this!
Coaching vs Counseling

Community Trainings
Trainings provided for both large & small groups.
Boundaries & Professionalism (Community Based Treatment)
Cultural Trauma
Domestic Violence
Employee/Group Team Building
​The Importance of Progress Notes
Trauma Informed Care
Vicarious Trauma
Please contact for pricing.

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30 min
Free 30 minutes1 hr
Starting at $591 hr
Contract based1 hr
Starting at $99Ended
Starting at $500Ended
19.99 US dollars